Summer! The time to enjoy nature’s bounty and summer vacations with your kids. Also the time when you are constantly seeking new activities to do with your kids. I must confess, I haven’t really done much yet in terms of activities with Ms S. Yes she has her summer camp, and she has her books and she has the Guinea pig. And she has a job as a cat sitter for my neighbor who is out on a vacation.
But if you “own” a preteen you know that that is not enough to keep them occupied. You have to find activities that are not baby”ish” anymore and yet not very challenging either. If you are unable to find such activity, you won’t hear the end of “I am bored”. It will follow you in a whiny monotone all around the house and does not come with an off button or a duct tape.
So as soon as I heard the first ‘I am bored’, my mind raced, as fast as it could. It had to keep up with a pre teens mind, so I had to make it jog and then sprint. Before she could say it again, I had to come up with a plan. My racing mind saw the watermelon and I sprang up. Food! It is the only area where I still have her attention when I have finished a sentence.
And then, an image of the long forgotten Popsicle mold flashed. It was here somewhere. I just had to find it. So I recruited her in a mission to find the long forgotten popsicle mold with a promise of a very yummy treat later. I thought I outdid her. She would linger on in the basement, trying to find the mold, and I would get my afternoon nap.
But I was mistaken. This was not a chore like ” clean up your room” which takes hours or days on end. This was an activity she wanted to do! She found the thing in no time and came back happy! Since the arrow had been shot, I had to keep my side of the deal.
I did. And we made these beautiful, flavorful, all natural watermelon popsicles with a hint of mint. I did not follow any recipe. The watermelon was VERY sweet, so it did not need any sugar. The addition of the mint was purely based on the watermelon mint salad that I really love.
We also made these Paletas de Aguacate y Coco (Avocado and Coconut Popsicles) following the recipe from MuyBueno Cookbook. I won’t write that recipe here because I made it exactly like theirs and also because I do want you to go visit their beautiful blog.

Watermelon Popsicle with a hint of mint
- 2 C Watermelon seedless and cut into chunks
- a few mint leaves
- Spl equipment :
- blender
- Blend the watermelon and the mint together.
- If the watermelon is not very sweet, add in a little sugar syrup or sugar.
- Fill into the mold when well blended
- Cover and freeze - enjoy after a few hours when the Popsicles have set.