I am back baking with my bread baking group after a long long time. I couldn’t wait to share my Roasted Red Pepper Fougasse recipe and I had so much fun making this bread. Thanks to Sue from A Palatable Pastime , who chose the theme of peppers for us this month and is our host. We have many peppery goodies for you this month, so be sure to check the blogs listed on this post for more inspirations and recipes. This recipe of roasted red pepper fougasse tastes best when made with freshly roasted peppers. I like to keep them just a …
Tarte á l’Oignon – French Onion Tart
When the theme for April’s Progressive eats was announced, I imagined myself making a Dacquoise or a Mille-feuille. Having already made the Gateau Opera a few dozen times and enjoyed the Croquembouche challenge with Jenni, I was ready to make a switch and make something else. The decadent Dacqupiose was tempting me. But then I thought, I do need to go out of my comfort zone and make something new and something that showcases the sublime beauty of regional French Cuisine. I am really proud of the Tarte á l’Oignon – French Onion Tart. You may ask why. After …
Petit Pain au Lait
I am a few days late in posting the Petit Pain au Lait – the bread of the month for the “We Knead to Bake project”. It’s been happening a lot lately. I do cook and bake a lot. I just don’t get around to posting them or writing about them. Sometimes I don’t even get around to photographing them. That is something that does happen when family is visiting and you are busy enjoying the time together and making memories. And for me memories around food are always the best kind. For this month’s We knead to Bake, …
Croissants from scratch – We Knead to Bake#2
The simple act of reaching out for a croissant, savoring its delicious layers, inhaling the deep aroma is a soul satisfying experience. Making a good croissant and sharing it recreates that experience and enhances it manifolds. Flour, sugar, butter, milk, water, salt, yeast. That’s really all you need to make these fabled bites of a Viennoiserie goodness. The perfect crunch of top, the buttery layers inside and one little bite into it transports you to a place from where you don’t want to return. Making a Croissant takes just two things – 1) Great quality ingredients 2) Love To say …
Fougasse with Herbes de Provence
[Breadbaking is] one of those almost hypnotic businesses, like a dance from some ancient ceremony. It leaves you filled with one of the world’s sweetest smells…there is no chiropractic treatment, no Yoga exercise, no hour of meditation in a music-throbbing chapel. that will leave you emptier of bad thoughts than this homely ceremony of making bread.” M. F. K. Fisher, ‘The Art of Eating’ When we were young girls, a little younger than my daughter is right now, my sister and I used to take turns buying the morning bread from the neighborhood baker. It wasn’t something I looked forward …