Gevulde Speculaas – Dutch spiced cookies filled with a sweet almond mixture. These spiced cookies are so much a part of the ancient spice-routes. I am posting these as part of the #creativecookieexchange for Holiday Baking. Spices were a sign of affluence and a chance to make lots of money in the 16th century. The Republic of the Seven United Netherlands established the Dutch East India Company around 1600 to gain monopoly over the spice trade. The trade of spices, rubber, tobacco, coffee, sugar, tea etc from Dutch India contributed significantly to the growth and prosperity of the company and …
Black Forest Cookies #CreativeCookieExchange
I must have an insanity gene somewhere. It’s often hidden under various guises but at times I see it raising its head. Why else would I take my teen’s favorite favorite favorite cookies and turn them into black forest cookies? I know she likes her chocolate cookies to be left alone! I know because she has told me this on many occasions when I don’t leave chocolate cookies alone. But what can you do against the power of the insanity gene when it threatens to take over? It took over! The insanity that is. I love black forest cake. …
Lemon Hamantaschen #CreativeCookieExchange
Spring Traditions ! Everyone has them. All cultures across the world have a festival or a holiday to celebrate in spring. The warming up of the earth, reawakening of the forests, trees and rebirth of flowers and leaves. The promise of things to come and the lengthening of the days just fills people with hope. For my family the traditional spring holiday is the Navreh, the New Year. However we don’t have any cookies associated with the holiday. There is lot of food, a lot of family time, and new clothes. But sadly no cookies! So I borrowed the idea …
Cookie Dough Brownie and Cheesecake Bars #Creative Cookie Exchange
Are they cookies? Are they Brownies? Is it a cheesecake? These were the questions floating around the living room. No one was asking me, but the guessing game was on. Sometimes I let them wonder without telling them what I am up to. Seeing me make a batch of cookie dough, whip up cream cheese with eggs and mix a batch of eggs and chocolates, the spouse and the offspring were trying to guess what I was making. Usually I finish my baking before the kid gets home, so she can come home to a fresh batch of goodies and …
Chocolate Chip Cookie Bowls #Creative Cookie Exchange
Dear Pinterest, You sometimes fill me with misery. I must break up with you. It’s you, It’s not me. And I say that with all dignity I can muster up after an unhappy (disastrous) project. Many such projects if I had kept a count. So as beautiful as you look, and as enticing as you are – It’s over between us. Yes, you have been very useful when I have tried to look for inspiration and most of the projects have turned out ok. But it’s the projects that look nothing like you showed that hurt the most. And for …
Cherry and Chocolate Chip Scones #Creative Cookie Exchange
A quaint English cafe, scones with jam and clotted cream and some tea to sip. That’s how I had imagined my first tryst with the scone. It did happen exactly like I had imagined, only the quaint English cafe was right here in my neighborhood. I still go there, to drink a cup of tea and eat some scones and to chat with the Gentleman who owns the place. I don’t really remember what he says, for I always am engrossed in his oh so British accent! I only hope that if he ever asks me a question I am …