Being part of the bread bakers group gives me opportunities to make breads with new grains, make breads that I had never even heard of and step into unchartered territories. This month, I am hosting the Bread Baker’s theme and I decided on Rye. Mainly because I had never made a bread with rye. I also threw in a challenge – no processed flours or sugars. If there is something I can tell you about my fellow bread bakers, it is that this group is immensely talented, creative and they have come up with so many delicious options for you choose from. Take a look at what everyone has made and then come back here to hear my tale on the sourdough rye bread.
Tangzhong Rye Bread by Stacy at Food Lust People Love
Sourdough Rye Bread by Ansh at Spiceroots
Potato Onion Rye Meteil by Karen at Karen’s Kitchen Stories
Swedish Rye Bread (Limpa) by Nicole at The 2nd 35 Years
Rye Fennel Crackers by Renee at Magnolia Days
Caraway Rye Crackers with Reuben spread by Jenni at Pastry Chef Online
Artisan Dark Rye Bread by Cindy at Cindy’s Recipes and Writings
Chocolate rye bread by Rocio at Kidsandchic
Danish Rye Bread by Wendy at A Day in the Life on the Farm
Hapanleipä – Finnish Sour Rye Bread by Robin at A Shaggy Dough Story
Banana Rye Muffins by Adam at Bakers and Best
Boston Brown Bread by Holly at A Baker’s House
Rye and Whole Wheat Bread by Kelly at Passion Kneaded
Welcome Back! Though after all the other gorgeous breads you may not feel inclined to read about this plain looking bread. But let me tell you – looks are deceptive. This is a very delicious bread. First off this is a 100% rye bread. There is no other flour added. Then, this is also a sourdough rye bread, which means the aroma and flavor is really great. And then there is the case of rye being a nutritious grain with fibre which is great for health.
To make this sourdough rye bread, if you don’t have a sourdough starter you will have to begin by making one. As I did. Making a rye sourdough starter is as easy as putting a reminder on your phone . Seriously! That’s all you need. Some flour, water and a phone or reminder device. Remembering to Feed the starter is the only challenge you will need to overcome. Once you have done that, this bread and many other sourdoughs will be a breeze.
What is Bread Bakers? It’s a group of bread loving bakers who get together once a month to bake bread with a common ingredient or theme. You can see all our of lovely bread by following our Bread Bakers Pinterest Board. Links are also updated after each event on the Bread Bakers home page.
How is the monthly theme determined? We take turns hosting each month and choosing the theme/ingredient.
Would you like to join in the fun? If you are a food blogger, send an email with your blog name and url to Stacy at

Sourdough Rye Bread #Breadbakers
Sourdough starter
- 2 C rye flour
- a pinch of yeast
- Filtered water
Rye Bread
- Day 1 Ingredients
- 1 1/4 C rye flour
- 1/2 cup rye sourdough starter
- 200 ml room temperature water
- Day 2 Ingredients
- 1 1/3 C rye flour
- 1 teaspoon salt
- 150 ml warm water
- Rolled rye/seeds/rye flour
Make the starter
- Day 1 Take a non metal container - like a mason jar and mix 2/3 cup rye flour with 1/2 C filtered water and just a tiny pinch of yeast. Cover loosely and let sit for about 24 hours in a warm place (at least 70 *F)
- Day 2 - After 24 hrs, add same amount of flour and water, mix, keep.
- Day 3 and Day 4 Repeat day 2 process.
- 24 hours after day 4 addition, which is your day 5 now, you have your starter.
Make the Bread
Day 1
- In a large bowl mix the water with the sourdough starter. Add flour and mix. Keep this undisturbed for at least 8- 10 hours or overnight.
Day 2 or after 8-10 hours
- Add in the day ingredients and mix.
- Prepare a loaf pan by brushing oil into it. Pour the bread mix into it. Smoothen the top and cover with rolled rye/flour/seeds
- Cover and keep in a warm place to rise. About 3- 5 hours.
- Once properly risen the dough will touch the rims of the pan.
- Bake in a preheated oven at 425*. Bake for 25 minutes, covered with an aluminum foil. After that remove the foil and bake for another 15- 20 minutes uncovered.
- Remove from the oven and leave it in the pan for about 10 minutes, then unmold on a wire rack.
- It is suggested that you wait at least a day before cutting into a rye loaf - for improved flavor and texture. Once the bread is cool, wrap it in an aluminum foil and keep it for a few hours before slicing.
Recipe Notes
Recipe for Sourdough Starter - Mark Bitmann
Rye bread Recipe based on Emmanuel Hadjiandreou from How to Make Bread