Roasted Red Pepper Fougasse

Roasted Red Pepper Fougasse

I am back baking with my bread baking group after a long long time.  I couldn’t wait to share my Roasted Red Pepper Fougasse recipe and I had so much fun making this bread.  Thanks to Sue from A Palatable Pastime  , who chose the theme of peppers for us this month and is our host. We have  many peppery goodies for you this month, so be sure to check the blogs listed on this post for more inspirations and recipes. This recipe of roasted red pepper fougasse tastes best when made with freshly roasted peppers. I like to keep them just a …

Satpadi – Spiced Griddle Bread #Breadbakers

Satpadi - Spiced Griddle bread

There are very few aromas that stir my appetite as the smell of bread being freshly baked on a griddle does. Fewer still invoke longing and memories of a life gone by. My earliest memories of Roti / Paratha are those of waking up to the aromas of chai boiling away and the freshly baked roti’s being slathered with Amul butter. Mom never made the breads in advance. She always ensured we get fresh off the griddle paratha or roti to enjoy for our breakfast. I can still see her in my minds eye, rolling the bread and baking it …

Injera Bread – 100% Teff Flour #Breadbakers

Injera bread

Injera Fun Facts :- Most of the Ethiopian restaurants in America do not make a 100% Teff flour Injera!  Most of the times, barley, sorghum or wheat flour are added to the Injera sourdough. Traditional Injera is made from the flour of a grain called Teff. Teff is Naturally gluten free and It is also an Ancient Grain. Injera is cooked on a griddle fitted with a dome shaped lid called the Mitad. You can make it on a cast iron skillet and cover with a lid. It serves as the utensil to eat. You basically tear a portion out and use …

Povitica #Breadbakers


In the life of a home baker are many projects that get duly noted, marked, bookmarked and then completely sidetracked. Because in the life of a homebaker are also new projects that catch her imagination and then those get noted, marked and book marked. And. The. Cycle. Continues. However, sometime in the life of a home baker comes a time, when one of those projects calls from the deepest folds of the notebook (yes! we still use those around here) and implores to be completed. With the promises of a great bake and a stunning looking loaf the Povitica was …

Pumpkin Bread Rolls

Pumpkin Bread Rolls

Fall is synonymous with bread baking in my home. And not just any bread baking. Anything Pumpkin. Squash rolls top the chart every time and no one at home is bored of them. It remains the family’s favorite bread, especially the teen’s. A few of my friends recently reminded me that I had not sent the squash rolls their way in a long time – Like 6 whole months! And extracted a promise that I would bring them some as soon as I made them. I tried to fulfill the promise, but this time I had different plans for the …

Whole Wheat Naan #BreadBakers

While you may think that there is no such thing as a Whole Wheat Naan, I assure you there is. Traditionally the whole wheat bread made in tandoor is called the Tandoori Roti, and is most often an unleavened round flat bread. But what if we wanted the yeasty, doughy, spongy qualities of the naan but the wholesome goodness of whole wheat – that’s where the whole wheat naan comes into picture. I think it is best of the both worlds – eating good food that is also good for you. And if that wasn’t enough, the simplicity of the …