Dear Broccoli ,
I apologize for not standing up for you all these years. Even though I loved and respected you, I did nothing to create an opportunity for my ‘peeps’ to like you. When they refused to let you play on their plate with the rest of their food, I always gave in way too quickly and said it was ok. I am sorry for not doing more. I used to give in so we could navigate through a meal quickly and without fuss, especially with little Miss S and Mister Hubby.
I did try telling them how good you were, how they would benefit if they developed a liking for you. I kept telling them but they would not listen. So I gave up. I would still bring you home, but to spend time with you, all by myself.
I felt bad when you were ignored by my “peeps”. And to make up for all the pushing you out of the plate /hurling you in the corner / making a face when they saw you, I decided that I was going to make them like you. Not by telling them to like you, because obviously that never worked, but by showing them how good you really were.
When I discovered how you transformed yourself when presented with an option to flirt with the broiler in the oven, I was thrilled. You became irresistible. The transformation from boiled, stir fried and just raw was phenomenal. You had a gorgeous tan that enhanced your natural color even more and the extra crunch you packed, made me come back for you again and again. All you needed to pack a punch was a touch of salt.
I made them a breakfast of roasted broccoli omelet; and of course you were the shining ingredient. They tried to squirm away, but I was having none of their tricks. I asked them to give the oven roasted ‘you’ a fair chance. And I put my foot down. They simply had to agree to do it.
So they sat down, at the breakfast nook, not quite happy. I got you out, on to their plates and waited for their fuss. And waited. And waited…. silence, crunch, .. and then – “This is actually VERY delicious!”
I had to suppress a “I told you so” and just go with “ I am glad you tried it” and a pleasing smile. When no one was looking I did a lil chicken dance to celebrate your Dazzling comeback into our home!
I look forward to many more food interactions with you and I loved the fact that i could add you to my repertoire of omelets and that the roasted broccoli omelet was the shining star.
With much Love

Roasted Broccoli Omelete
- 2 eggs slightly beaten
- 1/2 cup broccoli florets (small sized thin florets)
- 1 pinch salt
- oil spray
- 1 tablespoon goat cheese or nay other cheese you like
- pepper to taste
- 1. preheat the oven to 375*F
- 2.Sprinkle some salt onto the broccoli and toss it on a baking sheet. spray some oil on top
- 3.Cook in the center of the oven for about 8 minutes.
- 4.Broil on high for 2 minutes, until you see the edges browning just a tad bit.
- 5.Remove from the oven and allow to cool slightly
- 6.Heat a non stick pan on medium heat and spray on some oil.
- 7.Add a dash pepper to the eggs and cook covered on medium until they begin to set
- 8.arrange the broccoli on top, add the cheese, cover and cook until the cheese melts in and the eggs are completely cooked.
- 9.fresh coffee, a toast and omelet. Recharge!