For this month’s bread with the Breadbakers, our host, the wonderful Mireille Roc of Chef Mireille’s East West Realm chose Quinoa as the theme ingredient. I was excited to be baking with quinoa because I love quinoa in all forms. I have even made a Quinoa chilli to the horror of some but admiration of many. I also managed to convert a few white rice lovers over to a nice Quinoa Biryani . And I have made dime a dozen pancakes and flatbreads with it. But what I had never done was to actually make a loaf of bread with it. So this was a bread making project I was looking forward to.
Making a bread from a gluten free flour is always a big project. There are many things to consider; taste and texture being the foremost. Most gluten free grains/seeds need help in the texture department. And you always need to combine at least a couple of them to create a well rounded flavor. And sometimes you need to bake them more than once to achieve what you had set to achieve. For example this first trial did not go so well.
The bread was dense and wet and sort of uncooked after the first trial. And did not rise much. But a brave bread baker is one who tries again and never gives up.
Ah! there it is. The perfect loaf of delicious bread made with good for you ingredients. And if you want to eat some with a cup of coffee, You must not resist.
Here are some more #Breadbakers who have made some wonderful Quinoa breads this month.
- Garlic Multigrain Bread by Kelly at Passion Kneaded
- Maple Walnut Quinoa Quick Bread by Renee at Magnolia Days
- Mocha Porter Quinoa Loaf by Stacy at Food Lust People Love
- No Knead Quinoa Bread by Karen at Karen’s Kitchen Stories
- Pan de Quinoa y Miel by Camilla at Culinary Adventures with Camilla
- Quinoa and Millet Bread by Anshie at Spiceroots
- Quinoa Apple Muffins by Robin at A Shaggy Dough Story
- Quinoa Poolish Baguettes by Adam at Bakers and Best
- Quinoa Oatmeal Bread by Cindy at Cindy’s Recipes and Writings
- Quinoa Pumpkin Muffins by Kathya at Basic N Delicious
- Red Quinoa Sourdough Bread by Sophie at Sweet Cinnamon & Honey
What is Bread Bakers? It’s a group of bread loving bakers who get together once a month to bake bread with a common ingredient or theme. You can see all our of lovely bread by following our Bread Bakers Pinterest Board. Links are also updated after each event on the Bread Bakers home page.
How is the monthly theme determined? We take turns hosting each month and choosing the theme/ingredient.
Would you like to join in the fun? If you are a food blogger, send an email with your blog name and url to Stacy at

Quinoa and Millet Bread #BreadBakers
- 1 C Quinoa
- 1 C Whole Millet
- 4 Tbsp Psyllium Seed Husk
- 1 Tbsp Brown Sugar
- 1 tsp.Vital Gluten
- 1 tsp Active Dry Yeast
- 1/2 tsp. Baking Soda
- 1/2 tsp. Sea Salt
- 1 Tbsp. Apple Cider Vinegar
- 2 C Water
- 3 Tbsp Oil
- 1/2 tsp each of poppy seeds sunflower seeds, sesame seeds etc
- Rinse the millet and quinoa separately. Soak them separately in water for about 12 hours. The water should cover the grains well.
- Drain the quinoa and Millet and put into a food processor along with brown sugar, oil,salt, yeast, vital gluten, psyllium husk and water and mix until blended into a batter. Cover and set up to preheat the oven.
- Preheat the oven to 325*F and prepare a loaf pan. Just before putting the batter into the pan to bake, add apple cider vinegar and baking soda and stir once or twice. Transfer to the pan, sprinkle all poppy seeds and nuts etc and bake for 60 - 80 or until the loaf springs back when lightly touched on top.
- Allow to cool before removing from pan and cool completely before slicing.
Recipe Notes
Recipe adapted from WholeheartedEats